Here, you will find information and articles covering British, European and American vintage radio, with a bias to the 1930's and Art Deco.
Here, you will find information and articles covering British, European and American vintage radio, with a bias to the 1930's and Art Deco.
Cross reference and substitution tables for British, European and American tubes & valves.
Tube Data, Catalogs & Project Books
Classic Tube Data Books, Component Catalogs and Project Books from the 1920-1930s
A selection of technical tips on restoration and substitution of 1920-1930s radio components.
Spitfire Solid State AM Medium Wave and SW Transmitter
A fully built and ready to run complete AM Radio Station, EU and US compatible versions, complies with FCC Part 15 requirements.
Hurricane Intelligent AM Medium Wave and SW Transmitter
The Hurricane is our next generation intelligent AM Modulator, controlled by a high-performance RISC-based Microcontroller with optional Bluetooth Audio and Bluetooth remote control.
Mosquito 1 Watt AM Medium Wave and SW Transmitter
A fully built and ready to run complete 1 Watt Medium Wave AM Radio Station
One Tube Desert Island Radio 1935
Just imagine yourself on a desert island with only a standard radio tube and little else for constructing the set.
Christmas 1928 - Dancing Guests
If the festivities are somewhat dull, why not try to make the guests dance?
Radio related posters & graphic artwork of 1920s and 1930s
Unfortunately 90 volt batteries have not been made for the last 40 years. This battery eliminator will power your portable radio, provides the 90 volt HT and a fully regulated 1.4 volt LT for the heaters.
Classic British, European and American Radios of the 1920's and 1930s.
Two Tube Regenerative Receiver
Our popular iGen Max Medium Wave regen radio kit, works off 12 volt battery or mains power. Hybrid design, using vacuum tubes as RF amplifier and detector and a solid state audio amplifier.
iTx Tube AM MW & SW Transmitter (Kit)
Hook up a iTx - to your CD-Player, FM Radio or MP3-Player and re-transmit your favorite music and shows on to Medium Wave as in the olden days.
50MHz Frequency Counter with IF Offset
This module is a highly flexible frequency counter that incorporates programmable IF offset (parameters are stored in nonvolatile EEPROM). Fully built and calibrated (not a kit).
This board will control one of the small AD9850 DDS (5 volt) modules available on eBay. It supports a 16x2 line LCD display showing the operating frequency, band and step size. The frequency can be adjusted using either a rotary encoder or two push buttons.
Tube Super Heterodyne Radio Kit
Build your very own super-heterodyne radio. Simple to follow instructions! You get all the parts including silk screened printed circuit board, tubes, sockets, tuning capacitor, coils, and speaker.
Limited Edition
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